Teemo ARAM Build Guide for Patch 13.23

Welcome, summoners, to the definitive Teemo ARAM Build guide for Patch 13.23! With insights garnered from a whopping 26,435 matches, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the most effective strategies, spells, items, runes, and summoner spells tailored specifically for Teemo in ARAM mode.

### H2: Summoner Spells and Win Rates

Teemo’s success in ARAM often starts with the right summoner spells. Based on extensive data analysis, the combination of **Flash** and **Ignite** has shown a commendable win rate of 53%.

### H2: Teemo Runes for ARAM

When it comes to runes, the recommended path is Dominance as the primary and Sorcery as the secondary path. These Teemo runes boast an impressive win rate of 54.4%. Notably, **Dark Harvest** stands out as the optimal keystone rune for Teemo in ARAM, earning this rune combination the moniker “Teemo Dark Harvest.”

### H2: Teemo Spells for ARAM

Maximizing Teemo’s potential in ARAM involves a specific spell order with a win rate of 53.4%:

1. **Blinding Dart**
2. **Toxic Shot**
3. **Move Quick**

### H2: Teemo Items for ARAM

Choosing the right items is crucial for Teemo’s performance. Here’s a breakdown of the most effective items based on their win rates:

#### Starting Items
– **Refillable Potion** (Win Rate: 58.3%)
– **Sorcerer’s Shoes**

#### Core Items
– **Liandry’s Anguish** (Win Rate: 55.1%)
– **Sorcerer’s Shoes**
– **Demonic Embrace**

#### Fourth Item Options
– **Rabadon’s Deathcap** (Win Rate: 56.9%)
– **Morellonomicon** (Win Rate: 54.5%)

#### Fifth Item Options
– **Rabadon’s Deathcap** (Win Rate: 56.3%)
– **Void Staff** (Win Rate: 54.2%)
– **Shadowflame** (Win Rate: 53.3%)

#### Sixth Item Options
– **Void Staff** (Win Rate: 51.5%)
– **Shadowflame** (Win Rate: 53.4%)
– **Rabadon’s Deathcap** (Win Rate: 51.6%)

### H2: Conclusion

By adhering to this meticulously crafted build, you can significantly enhance your performance with Teemo in ARAM matches. Implementing the suggested summoner spells, runes, spells order, and itemization as outlined above can substantially contribute to your success on the Howling Abyss.

Whether you’re a seasoned Teemo enthusiast or new to the Swift Scout’s ways, utilizing this ARAM build can tip the scales in your favor, leading to victories and shroom-filled triumphs on the battlefield.

## H3: The Power of Teemo in ARAM

Teemo, the Swift Scout, may seem unassuming, but his prowess in ARAM is undeniable. With the right strategy and build, he becomes a force to be reckoned with on the Howling Abyss.

### H3: Unveiling Teemo’s Dominance

Teemo’s success in ARAM hinges on optimal spell usage, strategic itemization, and rune selection. Leveraging the data from 26,435 matches, we’ve unraveled the most effective combination to empower Teemo in ARAM battles.

### H3: Crafting Victory with Teemo

Implementing the suggested Teemo ARAM build isn’t merely about following a template. It’s about understanding the synergy between spells, runes, and items to unleash Teemo’s true potential in every match.

### H3: Shaping Your ARAM Journey

Mastering Teemo in ARAM isn’t an easy feat, but armed with the right knowledge and build, you can navigate the chaos of the Abyss with confidence. Embrace the swift and cunning ways of Teemo, and lead your team to ARAM triumphs!

Crafting an effective Teemo ARAM build requires more than just statistics; it demands a nuanced understanding of Teemo’s strengths and a strategic approach to each match. This guide aims to provide both statistical insights and strategic advice to empower summoners to conquer the Howling Abyss with the mischievous Scout. Cheers to swift victories and countless mushroom surprises on your Teemo ARAM adventures in Patch 13.23!



Exploring Teemo’s Dominance: Last 7 Day Performance Analysis

Teemo, the swift scout of League of Legends, has been a subject of both admiration and frustration among players. His unique playstyle and capabilities often make him a challenging champion to face. Recently, there’s been a surge in interest regarding Teemo’s performance over the past seven days. Delving into the data of 2,734 games played by the top 334 Teemo players globally, intriguing insights have surfaced.

**H2 Tag:**
## Unveiling the Numbers: A 54.94% Win Rate

The numbers don’t lie. Among the analyzed games, Teemo has exhibited a remarkable 54.94% win rate. This statistic is an impressive reflection of the champion’s prowess when maneuvered by the top echelon of players. It’s essential to understand the context behind these victories and what factors contribute to Teemo’s success on the battlefield.

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## The Expert League: Analyzing the Top 334 Teemo Players

In this analysis, we focus on the top 334 Teemo players worldwide. These individuals, on average, held a commendable rank of Diamond II. Such high-ranking players provide a glimpse into Teemo’s potential when handled by experts. Their gameplay strategies and decision-making could offer valuable insights into mastering this champion.

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### Unraveling Teemo’s Rank Among Champions

Taking into account both win rate and summoner rank, Teemo secures a noteworthy position in the League of Legends hierarchy. Among all champions in the hands of an expert, Teemo stands tall at the 155th position. This ranking highlights the impact of expertise on Teemo’s performance compared to other champions in the game.

**H3 Tag:**
### Criteria for Analysis: 50 Summoners, Diamond IV Rank, and 50 Games

To ensure an accurate assessment, specific criteria were set. Only a maximum of 50 summoners per region were considered, each holding at least a Diamond IV rank and having played a minimum of 50 games on Teemo. This stringent selection process aimed to focus solely on experienced Teemo players, filtering out less substantial data.


Teemo’s performance over the last seven days, scrutinized through the lens of expert players, sheds light on the champion’s capabilities. His win rate and ranking among champions when handled by adept summoners reflect a promising outlook for those who dare to master the Swift Scout.

In conclusion, Teemo’s recent performance showcases the potential for success in the hands of skilled players. Aspiring summoners looking to excel with this champion can draw inspiration and insights from the analyzed data of the top Teemo players worldwide.